Susanne Skinner’s 2019 Posts

dog reading on computer, beagle, blog, Susanne SkinnerSusanne is taking a well-earned holiday today. For her regular Monday readers, I offer this retrospective of Susanne Skinner’s 2019 posts — all 43 of them.

Each one of the list has links to the post so you can catch up on any you missed. They’re organized by category and in reverse chronological order.

Susanne’s unique perspective on the world, her life, and contemporary culture make for interesting and thought-provoking reading. Here’s your chance to catch up on what you have missed or re-read a favorite post.

Spread the Word: Don’t forget to Share and Like on Facebook and Tweet posts on Twitter so that your friends, family, co-workers and colleagues
can enjoy them too.

Susanne Skinner’s 2019 Posts


Business and Technology

Friends and Family

Health and Safety

Lifestyle and Culture



Women Challenging Change

Susanne Skinner returns next Monday, January 13, with another wonderful addition to The Next Phase Blog. Until then, stay warm, stay dry, and stay happy.