Fury and Outrage
Dear Senator Warren:
I am a constituent and a supporter who went door to door on your behalf in your elections. Like most of us, I am furious, frightened and outraged by what is going on in our government. Unlike most of us, however, I have ideas on how to confront and oppose it.
First, the Democrats have to start holding rallies around the country to get like-minded citizens to show up and make our outrage visible. Not many of us can travel to Washington DC to participate in a march. For most, it’s too far and too expensive. Marching is also not for everyone. At the moment, for example, I’m awaiting surgery and my leg will be in a cast for weeks afterward. No marching for me.
Thinking Outside the Beltway
Democrats in Washington need to think outside the Beltway to engage ordinary Americans across the country. The opposition of millions of American represents a powerful force that the party should tap and use to its advantage. It is, in fact, our biggest weapon.
But rallies cannot and should not depend on citizens to schedule, organize, run and finance. This should be a centralized and coordinated effort that would have multiple advantages:
- Rallies would make visible to all the depth of opposition to the current administration’s policies and actions.
- Rallies would give the press something to cover that would appear on the six o’clock news and on the front page. The news media need constant fodder: let’s give them some.
- Rallies could show that Democrats are willing to fight. Current news articles focus on how disorganized and confused the party is, lacking a message or sense of direction. We need to counter that and rallies would show the voters of America that we do have a message that goes beyond fringe causes.
- Rallies would give Americans a way to demonstrate our opposition. Can’t make it to Washington? Fine, there’s a rally coming up in your state. Come join us.
- Rallies would allow us to test messages. My theme would be: “America for all.”
Related Posts on Messaging
Second, I have also written several blog posts about how the Democrats can improve the party’s messaging, which is sadly quiet and passive. When faced with a Fascist coup, how can the opposition NOT have a message? It’s a mystery to me why Democrats are confused.
Here are links to two posts on The Next Phase Blog:
- The Democrats’ Messaging Problem
https://bit.ly/3PPpb7Q - When No Message IS the Message
I have also written four on Buyer’s Remorse regarding the election. I expect there will be more.
Rallies Would Help
Senator Warren, you and Senator Markey and other Democrats in Congress don’t have to do all the heavy lifting. Your speeches, statements, press releases, and other communications are important and I urge you all to do more of them more frequently. But the rest of us want to help. It frustrates us that there are so few ways to do it.
Please consider my suggestion to hold country-wide rallies. Feel free to call me at your convenience if you would like to discuss it in more detail. I can be reached at 978-394-3473.
Keep up the good fight!
Aline Boucher Kaplan