UFO/UAPs: When Denial is Dangerous

Denial is powerful.

People can deny for so long that something happens, forms a pattern, or even exists that they come to believe it. We just got a taste of the denial that the United States military has turned into our reality for far too long.

UAP, UFO, UAP Report, PentagonThe Pentagon issued its report on UFOs / UAPs on Friday and, to no one’s surprise, it’s a masterpiece of understatement. Keep in mind that releasing something on a Friday night in the summer is a time-tested way of burying it and minimizing subsequent press coverage.

In this case, however, it didn’t work. Too much interest in this report had already been generated. Minimal as the report is, the press could not ignore it or relegate it to the back pages.

Still, the Department of Defense, which has been gaslighting the American public about the existence of unidentified flying objects for over 70 years wasn’t about to give up that easily.

How Many UFO Sightings Are Enough?

Instead, they released a nine-page report (nine pages!) on 144 incident reports. If that seems like big number to you, it’s because you have been told for decades not to look behind the curtain. For the past 40 years, there have been an average of six UFO sightings reported worldwide every day. Every. Single. Day.

In case you’re counting, 40 years equals 14,600 days. Times 6, that comes to 87,600 sightings worldwide. Even if experts found that only half of those reports were serious, that leaves us with 43,800 sightings.

Nevertheless, the Pentagon examined only 144. As the report says:

“The UAPTF focused on reports that involved UAP largely witnessed firsthand by military aviators and that were collected from systems we considered to be reliable.”

So, they looked at a very carefully curated collection of reported sightings that would not open them up to both the ridicule they have fostered and way too many sightings to investigate.

What the Media Doesn’t See

UFO, UAP, Pentagon, Preliminary Assessment on Unidentified Aerial PhenomenaNow the mainstream press, which I have likened to a cat chasing a laser dot across the floor without ever wondering where the light came from, have reported dutifully on the report’s main conclusion. The Department of Defense:

  • Admits that UFO/UAPs are real.
  • Can’t prove that UFO/UAPs are of alien origin.
  • Can’t prove that UFO/UAPs are not of alien origin.

Got that? They just said, “We just don’t know.” In fact, they haven’t known for a very long time. Eventually the Pentagon became so frightened of their inability to know, deal with, or counter these aerial phenomena they made denying their existemce official policy.

It worked. Even though it meant stifling their own people, ignoring experts, lying to the American public, and keeping politicians in the dark about a danger to our national security.

Reading Between the Lines

If you read between the lines, the report also makes note of several other things:

“No standardized reporting mechanism existed until the Navy established one in March 2019. The Air Force subsequently adopted that mechanism in November 2020, but it remains limited to USG reporting.”

Think about that. Despite thousands of sightings from military pilots, commercial pilots, public figures, and even astronauts, the Navy waited until 2019 to even put an official mechanism in place to report them. The Air Force jumped on board a year later but limited their system to U.S. Government reporting. This means, however, that they – and we – should take those reports as serious and credible.

A Very Small UFO Subset

UFO, UAP, Mountains, Department of Defense“[There were] 144 reports originated from USG sources. Of these, 80 reports involved observation with multiple sensors.”

That’s it, folks. They examined only this very tiny subset of reports that came in from 2004 to 2019 from only U.S. Government sources. I call that slicing the apple pretty thin. Even so, multiple sources confirmed 80 of them.

Ummm, why so few? Surely more sightings were reported during that 15-year period. Another finding explains:

“Narratives from aviators in the operational community and analysts from the military and IC describe disparagement associated with observing UAP, reporting it, or attempting to discuss it with colleagues. Although the effects of these stigmas have lessened as senior members of the scientific, policy, military, and intelligence communities engage on the topic seriously in public, reputational risk may keep many observers silent, complicating scientific pursuit of the topic.”

That “disparagement” just might account for the limited sightings studied. Threats to a serviceperson’s reputation and career go a long way in keeping the lid on something. Even the pilots who appeared on the 60 Minutes UFO episode admitted that they might not have gone public if videos of UFO/UAPs had not been leaked. After all, why incur a reprimand and a stigma if no one will believe you?

My Question

The UATPF report has generated more questions than it answered but here’s the question I want to ask the United States Military:


Our military commanders are sworn to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States. They are the front-line US citizens depend on for our national security. So how dare they:

  • Put our national security at risk by ignoring a real and provable threat? If you have trouble believing that, listen to former AATIP Director Luis Elizondo talk about how they have taken our nuclear capabilities “offline.”
  • Lie to the American people for over 70 years?
  • Put our pilots and sailors in harm’s way without warning or explanation?
  • Initiate and be complicit in the defamation of U.S. citizens who reported in good faith what they had experienced? If you don’t know what that means, ask Dennis Kucinich.
  • Keep our political leaders in the dark? When the UATPF finally gave members of Congress a confidential briefing before the report’s release, the reaction was sharp and immediate. Also, not happy.
  • Sideline, threaten, and disparage our service men and women for attempting to do the right thing?
  • Continue to downplay the import of the findings by using weasel words and euphemisms? Not to mention relegating a scientific problem to the realm of myth and belief.

Will Smith in a Super Hornet

As Jazz Shaw said so eloquently in the National Review:

If there were the slightest indication that those things came from Russia or China and were showing up over our testing range in Nevada (it’s happened), there wouldn’t be a ‘concern over possible national security concerns.’ We would already have the real-world, military equivalent of Will Smith up there in an F/A-18E Super Hornet shooting them down.” (If you like someone who tells it like it is, read this article.)

Super Hornet, jet fighter,FA-18-EKeep in mind that this nine-page mini-report is just the part we got to see. The Pentagon was allowed to declare some things confidential and aspects of a larger document remain outside of our reach. I wonder if any hackers will consider accessing this information a challenge.

In the meantime, at least we get to know we’re not crazy. The truth is out there and we will find it eventually. As long as we don’t return to a state of denial.

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