Roundup of June 2015 Posts

School is out, warm weather is here, and we can finally say that it’s summer. Driving is easier, especially at rush hour and in mid afternoon because the school buses are off the road. One can go outside to get the mail without bundling up and there are fewer socks in the wash. Steaks go on the grill, lobsters go in the pot and we look forward eagerly to the appearance of native tomatoes and sweet corn—food that can be eaten with no frying, mixing, blending or additives and without much in the way of preparation.

Mystique hunting chipmunks

Chipmunk: It’s What’s for Dinner

Mystique stays out all day hunting chipmunks and leaving their little bodies to be admired. She probably can’t understand why they don’t go on the grill along with the other meat. This year’s score in the Great Chipmunk Hunt — as far as I can tell — is Mystique 5, Chipmunks 0.

In the rush of graduations, parties, moving kids out of dorms, cookouts, and early vacations, you may have missed some of June’s posts on The Next Phase blog. So here’s the monthly roundup of June 2105 posts by category for you to catch up on. Don’t feel shy about commenting: Susanne and I love to hear from our readers.

Business and Technology

 Friends and Family

 Lifestyle and Culture


Welcome to My BlotAs I said in Who Wants to Blog? I’m looking to add more guest authors to The Next Phase blog so that I can devote more time to writing fiction. If you would like to write a guest post for The Next Phase—on a one-time or regular basis—please speak up. I would like to know your name, the topic(s) you want to write about, and a link to some examples of your writing.

Welcome to summer!