Roundup of June 2016 Posts

June was an eventful month that kept us all busy but resulted in fewer posts than usual.

  • Seth took on a full-time job as a Health Enthusiast with Rite-Aid, a good fit as anyone who has read his posts about health and nutrition can attest. His new schedule means that he won’t be posting every Friday any more, although I hope to see a new post now and again.
  • Tall Ship in Boston HarborSusanne has been dealing with a personal issue that took her out of pocket for several weeks. We missed two of her Monday posts but she hopes to get back into the regular rotation next Monday, July 11.
  • I spent a few days helping my daughter and her family move into their new home. That involved a road trip, fetching meals on moving-in day and unpacking boxes after the truck had left. And on one Thursday I went sailing in Boston Harbor instead of slaving over a hot keyboard.

In addition, there were several graduation parties along with two private tours for Boston By Foot and fewer than usual public ones. This past weekend was a big one for BBF: nearly 1,000 people went on our tours. Many of these folks were in the city either for Harborfest or the July 4th Esplanade Concert and fireworks. I was called in for Saturday night’s Dark Side tour, when approximately 80 people signed up and more docents were needed.

Mystique is Improving

For those who have been following her progress, Mystique is doing much better. She can raise her head although she still tends to look down at the ground. Some strength has returned to her hind legs and she can jump again. Chairs and the sofa are OK but she doesn’t always make it to the higher places. On Thursday she’s going to a pet chiropractor. This is a sentence I never thought I’d write but I think that several bones got put out of joint during her struggle with whatever bit her and the veterinary chiropractor can put them back in place. I’m hoping she comes out feeling much better, as I do when I leave the human chiropractor’s office.

Roundup of June 2016 Posts

July will probably be quieter. If your June was as busy as ours, you might have missed some of our posts. So here’s the regular roundup of June 2016 posts.July will probably be quieter. If your June was as busy as ours, though, you might have missed a few things. So, even though June’s posts were sparser than usual, here’s the regular roundup of June 2016 posts.


Boston and History

Business and Technology

Health, Nutrition and Safety

Movies, Books and TV


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