I suppose it was inevitable given how long this pandemic has lasted and how we have taken back our normal lives but I tested positive for Covid 19 this weekend. The interesting thing is that it didn’t strike me as obvious.
No Covid Symptoms
It started with nausea. I felt nauseated for days—worse in the morning—and I was tired. (BTW: I am past the point of suspecting pregnancy.)
Both my husband and I had caught a stomach bug a week or so earlier and I thought this was just a recurrence of the same thing. We’d tested negative then so I didn’t think much of it and just kept on with my usual schedule. I even got my Covid booster shot.
To be clear, I had none of the standard symptoms that doctors check for with Covid: no cough, no fever, no headache, no wheezing or breathing problems, and no sore throat. My nose runs all the time, all year long, whenever I’m cold, so that didn’t strike me as unusual.
It wasn’t until the cough finally arrived that I realized this might be Covid. By then, I had probably infected numerous people because the early days are when it’s most communicable. My apologies to everyone I may have put at risk.
Even now, I don’t feel very sick. I’m using standard cough/cold medicine and that seems to be working just fine.
Back in the Covid Lockdown
I know the Covid pandemic is supposed to be over, but here I am quarantining. It’s like being back in the pandemic’s lockdown phase: boring and tedious. The most significant consequence is that I’m missing out on work when the work season is only eight weeks long.
The rest of the limitations and inconveniences are mere whining compared to how millions of people have suffered from this nasty virus. I will get better. I will go back to wearing a mask when quarantine is over. And I will resume work until it stops in November.
So, that’s my story. More when I’m better. I think I’ll go take a nap.