To My Readers:
You’ll notice that The Next Phase blog now has a new look. I changed the layout and background to get greater flexibility and to address some problems that readers have brought to my attention.
I hope the new format helps—although I’m not sure I have succeeded in fixing some of the problems.
I have received comments that the Facebook Like button didn’t work, I have added that button but admit that I still don’t see it when I open the blog as a reader. It should appear right underneath the social media buttons—but no. Until I figure out how to fix this, you can go to my Facebook page and scroll down until you find a message about the blog post and Share or Like it from there.
All the social media buttons appear to work except for the RSS feed.
Another frequent comment is that readers can’t see where to sign up. This one really puzzles me because I can’t see it either. And that button doesn’t appear among the WordPress widgets. Yet people are signing up. Does it require X-Ray Vision? Readers, please help me out. Where does this function appear?
Change is good. I hope you all like the new look. Please feel free to bug-check the site and let me know if you find any other errors. The Leave a Reply link appears right underneath the headline.
I’m not sure if I like the photo at the top. It’s pretty but it pushes the content down. What do you think?
In the meantime, I’ll keep writing.
Best regards,